The Madam Wokie: Lost in Paradise campaign tells the story of a young lady who finds her self in a new land, completely surrounded by beauty. It features three major pieces from the Madam Wokie Nyapue Collection which was unveiled at the inaugural Bahamas Fashion Week in October 2017. The pieces were designed by Mary-Ann Kaikai, creative director of Madam Wokie. It was modelled by Shantera Sanovia; produced and videographed by Adriana Maria; and photographed by Hiram Carey. Creative direction was provided by Mary-Ann Kaikai, Musu Kaikai, Adriana Maria and Hiram Carey.
Photographer: Hiram Carey
Model: Shantera Sanovia
Videography: Adriana Maria
Creative direction: Musu Kaikai, Mary-Ann Kaikai, Adriana Maria & Hiram Carey
Musu Kaikai